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Leave us Feedback

At Power Computing we value your feedback, both good and not-so-good. Hopefully you will not need to send us any of the latter but, if you do have any cause for complaint, please do not hesitate to contact us - your comments are important to us and will help us improve our service to you and other customers.
If you would like to leave positive feedback that you are happy for others to see, why not complete the Testimonial form below? You can see what others have said on our Testimonials page.

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Your testimonial

For security and decency reasons, all testimonials are screened by our customer service team before being posted on the Testimonials page.

By entering your details above you are consenting to us using your comments and your name on our website. We will only use your comments as you have entered them , we will not edit them, and we will not publish your email address (this is only required so that we can contact you to discuss your comments). Many thanks.

Contact us

Send us a secure message using this form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible, normally within 1 working day.

pay with klarna

Smoother Shopping with Klarna

We are pleased to be able to offer payment with Klarna; you'll see this on the Checkout page. This page gives more detail on Klarna.


Our 2 Year Warranty

We are so confident about the quality of our systems that we are able to cover our PC Systems with a two-year, free collect-and-delivery, warranty on parts and labour.


What our Customers say

See Our Testimonials

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